rutu modan grew up in israel. she writes beautiful comics which action often takes place in tel aviv.

i red her short stories gathered in 'jamilti' (a page from one of the stories below) and ran through the famous 'exit wounds' (it was in danish which doesn't help) - there is
a sample of a few pages online.

there is also '
mixed emotions', her 6 part graphic blog written for the ny times - my favourite is '
queen of the scottish fairies'! it's wonderful!

finally take a look at '
the murder of the terminal patient' her story from the ny times funny pages
ej tomo.
do roboty.
czytelnicy/czytelnik tesknia/teskni
ile mozna czytac o rutu-srutu
malwa ladnie daje do przody
a ty malenki co?
buzi dla malej m.
absolutnie zgadzam sie z ta przemila pania powyzej. to jest po prostu skandal ze sie pan tak opinkalasz!
halo dziewczeta!
ja dojzewam do tego powoli, ok?
hehe.dobre sobie.
dojrzewanie po 20 roku zycia!
tu nie ma co dumac.
trzeba dzialac.
bo ci sie publika obrazi.
nie dojrzewaj tylko rusz to kosciste dupsko. raz raz!
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